Speaking Of Hungry

28: DIET - What does this word bring up for you?



On Episode 28 of Speaking of Hungry, I'm asking what thoughts come to mind when you think about the word DIET.  I asked this question recently in an intuitive eating workshop at a local pilates studio. It opened up a conversation about how many NEGATIVE thoughts flood our mind when we think of dieting. And yet we keep getting sucked back in for more. Here are some of the words that were brought up at the workshop: Boredom Weight gain Isolation Tough to sustain Time-consuming Depressing FALSE HOPE That last one is my favorite. All diets, wellness plans, and lifestyle changes give us FALSE HOPE. The hope that this will be the LAST attempt at weight loss. This time it will be different. This time I will keep the weight off.  Check out the episode today! It will solidify all of the reasons you want to continue NOT dieting.   -------------------------------------- Need help healing your relationship with food AND exercise? I am currently booking clients for my 1-on-1 online intuitive eating program! Let's chat!