Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Sylvie Rokab, Emmy nominated, award-winning filmmaker and Kate Neligan, equine-partnered coach, writer and speaker – Episode 140



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I'm excited to bring you these two extraordinary women - Sylvie Rokab, Emmy nominated, award-winning filmmaker and Kate Neligan, equine-partnered coach, writer, and speaker. In this episode: Learn about what being with nature brings to your soul and how to connect with it How a powerful experience with horses helps with grounding Discover how the horses’ heart energy affects one’s overall health The holistic changes that Kate experienced with the horses What nature has given to Sylvie and the health of the planet The catalyst for Sylvie’s documentary film, “Love Thy Nature” Hear about forest bathing and the highly sensorial experience The equine-guided experience and its individual and group gains How horses can be the best spiritual teachers Sylvie Rokab is a Film Director, Speaker, and Nature Therapy Guide.  She is an Emmy nominated, award-winning filmmaker with 20+ years experience as a director, producer, cinematographer, editor and writer – working