Father Snort

Bullying, Terrorism, & 9/11: The Way of Self-Righteousness Is the Way of Death - Audio



Brad Sullivan Proper 19, Year C September 11, 2016 Saint Mark's Episcopal Church, Bay City, TX Luke 15:1-10 Bullying, Terrorism, & 9/11: The Way of Self-Righteousness Is the Way of Death Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” and people saw life and truth in him, and people flocked to him, following him and following in his way. Jesus’ way of life was a way of love, and forgiveness, and reconciliation, a way in which he did not shun or exclude those who were considered to be sinners. Rather, he welcomed them and ate dinner with them, and this did not sit well with the religious leaders of the time, the Pharisees and the Scribes. They complained about Jesus, “He eats with sinners!” They complained about Jesus, safe in their own self-righteousness, keeping the sinners at a distance, keeping them shunned, keeping them away, so that the Pharisees and the Scribes could be righteous in their own eyes.