Father Snort

A Woman After God's Own Heart - Audio



Brad Sullivan St. Mark’s, Bay City June 12, 2016 Proper 6, Year C Luke 7:36 - 8:3 “A Woman After God’s Own Heart” Imagine sitting down for dinner with Jesus at Simon the Pharisee’s house. It’s a fairly nicely appointed house, not a rich man’s house, but you can see that this Pharisee is well off, nonetheless. They had low tables and didn’t use chairs, so you’re sitting or kneeling at the table with several others, servants have brought bowls for you to wash your hands, and the meal is about to be brought out. Then this woman begins weeping behind Jesus, poring her tears onto Jesus’ feet and wiping them off with her hair. You’re getting quite uncomfortable at this point, waiting for Simon to do something, and thinking to yourself, “Well, this is awkward.” Jesus, for his part, doesn’t seem to mind in the least. Apparently he likes a foot massage, and was