Father Snort

We'll Live It Best We Can Anyway - Audio



Brad Sullivan 2 Lent, Year C February 21, 2016 Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church, Bay City, TX Luke 13:31-35 We’ll Live It Best We Can Anyway I think we could classify today’s reading as an epic faith by the Pharisees, and a pretty darn good win by Jesus. The Pharisees were trying to get rid of Jesus, trying to make it look like they were on his side. “Herod’s trying to kill you, Jesus, you’ve got to get out of here. We’ve got your best interests at heart, and we need you to go so you don’t die.” Of course they were lying. We know from Chapter Nine, that Herod was not trying to kill Jesus. He was actually pretty interested in who Jesus was. People were saying he was John the Baptist, and Herod was thinking, “I’m pretty darn sure I had John the Baptist beheaded not too long ago,” and he was curious about who Jesus was. Herod wasn’t a good guy, but he wasn’