Father Snort

Feasting on Reconciliation - Audio



Brad Sullivan Ash Wednesday, Year C February 10, 2016 Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church, Bay City, TX Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 Feasting On Reconciliation 19th century Anglican priest and famous preacher, Phillips Brooks, gave a sermon entitled, Nature and Circumstance, in which he preached about Jesus’ teachings on greatness and the two worlds in which we find ourselves: the world of men, and the world of the kingdom of God. In this sermon, he wrote about Nicodemus questioning Jesus’ teaching that men must be born again to enter the kingdom of God. Father Brooks said: “Nicodemus wanted Christ to meet him in a lower world, a world of moral precepts and Hebrew traditions, where the Pharisee was thoroughly at home. But Christ said, ‘No, there is a higher world; you must go up there; you must enter into that; you must have a new birth and live in a new life,-in a life where God is loved and known and trusted and communed with.”&#