Father Snort

Conquering Our Schools - Audio



6 Easter, Year B May 10, 2015 Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church, Bay City, TX 1 John 5:1-6 John 15:9-17 Last year I spent some time teaching a leadership class in the middle school and a couple of elementary schools here, and one of the biggest challenges I found was that the kids had no idea how to show respect for their teachers. Sit up straight, look at the teacher when there’re talking to you, wait to speak until you’re called on…some of these basic things, they just didn’t know. Some didn’t care, but many didn’t want to be disrespecting their teachers, they just had no idea that’s what they were doing. They needed to be taught how to show respect. Jesus said to his disciples, “I am giving you these commands so that you may love one another.” We need to be taught how to love others, just like the students needed to be taught how to show respect. If we are faithful to Jesus, we end