Father Snort

Thwarting God's Salvation? - Audio



We heard today about Thomas doubting that his fellow disciples had seen the risen Jesus, and we hear about Jesus giving the Holy Spirit to his disciples and telling them to continue his work of forgiveness and reconciliation. Have you ever heard someone say, "May God forgive you, because I never will"? I think I've heard it more in movies than in real life, and Queen Elizabeth I is reported to have said those words, but I'm guessing she's not the only person in the history of Christianity to utter those words. "God may forgive you, but I can't." Who are we to think our complaint is greater than God's so that we can't forgive? Of course we don't forgive and feel that we can't when we still feel the darkness of the hurt that was caused and we see the other as that person who caused us pain. How then does God see us, that he can forgive us? God sees us as beloved and broken, and hurting each other out of our brokenness. God forgives us and sent Jesus to forgive us, and th