Father Snort

Giving Up My B.S. - Audio



There are many ways that we try to escape life, many exit doors we take. Some seem fairly innocuous (TV, food, alcohol), while others are obviously more insidious (drug addiction, alcoholism, pornography). All of these escape routes are ways we fantasize about a better, more important life, in which we are great and our problems few. Such fantasies are what "the hypocrites" had in Jesus' day when they prayed, fasted, and gave alms for others to see them and think they were wonderful. They were masking who they truly were behind a front of greatness. We are told by Jesus not to put on a show or to fake who we are in front of others, but to be vulnerable enough with others for them to see us as we truly are. Deep down, we're all beloved of God, and deep down, we're all kind of a mess. In giving things up for Lent this year, I thought about giving up coffee, but so what. So I'd be tired by mid-morning for a month. Instead, I'm going to give up my B.S. I joke with people a lot in order to m