Father Snort

Any Consolation from Love - Audio



The trap of the Chief Priests and the elders was that of holy living, but with contempt for those who didn't share in holy living. Jesus and John, on the other hand, judged those in need of repentance (e.g. the tax collectors and prostitutes) as needing repentance, but they judged them with compassion and love. For them, seeing people turn around and begin life anew was more important than punishing them for their misdeeds. Unlike the chief priests and elders, through Jesus and John the Kingdom of God was being lived, proclaimed, and received. Our challenge as the church is to live and proclaim the Kingdom of God in such a way that it is received by those who need it. We too judge when people need repentance, not to condemn, but to acknowledge the need for repentance. We do so with fear and trembling on our part, never presuming not to need repentance ourselves. We avoid the trap of the chief priests and elders and live and proclaim the Kingdom of God so that it will be received. We keep t