The Bad Boy Running Podcast

Ep 198 - SPECIAL - Best Of 2019



In true BBR fashion, we're releasing a very special BEST OF 2019 episode three weeks into 2020... ... in this episode Jody and David go back through all the best bits of Do-Baddery from last year. A special thanks to Producer Nick for the production on this. It took a while, but it's worth the wait. What are you best bits of 2019? Join the Facebook group and let us know. Use the hashtag #bestbits Enjoy! If you enjoyed this episode please SUBSCRIBE to get every episode delivered to you before everyone else. Join the conversation! If you want to request a guest or chat about this episode with like-minded drunk runners then head over to the Bad Boy Running Podcast Facebook group, here: To join, just answer three questions either correctly or hilariously and we'll realise you're not a spam robot and add you! Here's how to get involved: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: You can a