How's Your Epresence? With Mark Galvin




Hello How’s Your ePresence listeners! The Super Bowl, fake news, and Instagram influencers- all of this and more on this episode of How’s Your ePresence, in just 10 minutes! We’re running an experiment here at ePresence utilizing LinkedIn advertising. Since Microsoft bought the company in 2016, they have seen double digit growth. We are trying out the ads to see how well they work, and we will keep you updated on our progress right here on the podcast so you can make your own professional decision. Stay tuned. Next up- as we all know, 2020 is an election year. This means that it is extra important to get a handle on where you get your news from. A new study shows that the majority of Americans get their news from social media- and many of them don’t trust what they see. On this episode, we discuss necessary cautions to take in order to get the most accurate information from your social media. Question of the podcast: Why would someone continue to get news from a source they don’t trust? Links: https://www.b