Connected With Mika Bradford Podcast

#21 - 7 Minute Reality Check with Mika Bradford - "Acts of Kindness"



In this episode of CONNECTED with Mika Bradford we’re discussing: Acts of Kindness she has encountered over the last few months and how each of us has the ability to change lives through the simplest interactions we have with one another, no matter how big or small. You matter and your life can make a difference in the lives of others! Whether you are the giver or receiver, Acts of Kindness can change more than minutes in the day, it can change the course of an entire lifetime.   Be sure to follow our Podcast By signing up at and receive our monthly newsletter to learn what hot topics we will be discussing and the featured guest we have scheduled. Join in the Conversation Our favorite part of recording our podcast each week is participating in the great conversations with you that happen on our live chat, on social media, and in our comments section. Regardless of what information your seeking as long as the world keeps spinning science and technology will continue to expand. A clos