David Bailey's Posts

Worldwide Routes - 2013 - Edition 2 Part 2 - inc Fidan Hajiyeva BBC World Routes Protege 2013



Another cool hour of the best in world music with David Bailey in Bosnia and sponsored by Boss Jock Studio app. This time a great interview with Azeri born Londoner, Fidan Hajiyeva the BBC Radio 3 World Routes Academy Protege for 2013. Tracklist: Omkar - Twistin Downtown Vanessa Daou - Sunday Afternoons Tamding - Kalachakra Jah Wobble & The Invaders of the Heart - Lam Tang Way The Incognito Traveller - Traffic Fidan Hajiyeva - Interview Gochaq Askarov - Ay Qiz-Mugham Shahaz Vanilka - Trans Global Underground Gypsy Groove - Amen Palem Sjan Saste Solus 3 - Corner of the World Dub Colossus King Krar Mix Zaman 8 & Hafez Modir - Sani