Body Of Christ Radio Network

Predicting The Return of Christ



Ever since Christ was resurrected and ascended to heaven there have been those predicting his return.  Obviously, they were wrong as Christ has not returned and established his kingdom.  On the contrary, the entire earth is enveloped in corrupt behavior in all facets of life.  For those desiring to live in countries and communities permeated by righteous living there is longing for Christ’s return.  But when will he return?  It’s been roughly 2,000 years since he ascended into heaven.  Does the bible give any clues so that one can determine if his return is near or far away?  Can the calculation of his return be narrowed to within a year or even a decade?  Is there some condition that must be satisfied before his return?  Questions like these will be entertained in the Virtual Living Room of The Body of Christ Church as we discuss “Predicting The Return Of Christ”.