Eat Me Drink Me Smoke Me Birth Me - Again

Caliboy Got Me Woke AF



Here's a little story how this boy from Cali told me that he is actually "Commander Caliboy" - then asked me who I was so he knew how to communicate with me. He was acting all tough but it was totally obvious he just had this insane crush on me and didn't know how to say it. However I must confess if it wasn't for Commander Caliboy's Cute Confusing Crush on me - I would have never joined his circle jerk of introspection & mental masturbation where we blew our Kundalini all over the room. At first I felt bad for Isabella Briggs Myers for having to clean it but then I didn't feel bad because after all she created the system we all get off to when fulfilling that void inside us of unfulfilled innerstanding. She knew when she chose to hyphenate her two last names how important her work would be during her life and her Works Legacy after.