Soul Sayers

Permission To Make The Decision



Do you need permission to take back your personal authority and start running your life like a Boss? Well you've got it. Exploring how fear can show up in life decisions, setting us up to lean on other people's opinions of what is best for us. Take back the reins!   Episode Highlights:   Fear and its involvement in decision making Why are we afraid of personal authority? Giving yourself permission to take back your personal power and authority and how to achieve this   Quotes:   “The most effective way to overcome fear is to confront it repeatedly, and understand where it’s coming from.”   “I love you too much to let you be a zombie who just follows the instructions of other people.”   “You don’t need validation from others that what you want to do in your life is okay.”   “Insecurities are like the perfect environment for fear which can result in you withholding permission and your personal authority from yourself.”   “Handing over the stewardship of your thought process is why success will always remain elu