Eastside At Olive Springs

Four Absolute Attributes of God! - Audio



The people of Isaiah's 8th Century BC were about to face some of their greatest persecution - at the hands of the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar. Though over 100 years in the future, the only thing that would alter God's judgment would be the repentance of God's people. The folks had forsaken God and had turned to crafting their own idols. Matter of fact, some of these idols were so small that they were packing up in the "trunks" to take with them!! Isaiah, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wanted the people of God to understand that God in CHANGELESS! He is the same past, present and future! Unlike their idols that rot over time, God would never leave them or forsake them. Dr. Randy shares his continuing series about Isaiah with a sermon entitled, "Four Absolute Attributes of God," from Isaiah 46:4. Prior to the message, Keith Barnes, our Director of Music Ministries, sings the solo, "Letters from War," in honor of our veterans. There is a video presentation being shown as Keit