Vets Talk Pets

Ep. 14 Seizures and tremors in pets. What do I do?



Dr. Beall and Dr. Chip discuss over 40 years of experience with tremors and seizures in pets. Seizures are scary for the pet owners and dangerous for the pet. What should we do if our pet has a seizure? What is happening to a pet having a seizure? What are breeds more prone to seizures? What about poisonings, do they cause seizures? There are so many questions about seizures. But what do we do and what should we know if our pet is having a seizure? Join the discussion, you will find this to be a very interesting episode.   Pet discovery of the week: Messy Mutts drying MATTS (not towels). messy mutt mats. We love this product. Make sure you pick the MATT and not the towel. We bought this from Pet People in Springboro. Pet People Springboro. We love this Matt and have trained our pets to go to it each time they come inside from outside. This has matt has captured an amazing amount of dirt BEFORE they walk through the house.   Gary Beall DVM Chip Beall DVM Springboro Veterinary Hospital We love what we do! Join