Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

the #TimberUnity Rally in Salem



LIVE! TODAY @ 4:00 pm Pacific It's the Boze Noze Show! Getting ready to roll tomorrow to the #TimberUnity Rally in Salem. Before that at yesterday's meeting, Chair Buch and her new progressive board majority voted against the interest of her rural district three times yesterday. First, she voted against the rural folks that wanted to save our Fairgrounds chopping a piece of the property with no public hearings and despite an alternate site being available. Then Chair Buch voted to support acknowledging a UN driven Declaration of Human Rights and Climate Change that if followed would give soil rights enabling frivolous lawsuits against farmers and foresters and endorses forcible redistribution of wealth by government. Finally, when I asked the Board to reconsider our membership in the only organization lobbying for increasing federal timber harvest and funding from our O&C Railroad Lands to help provide funding for rural Sheriff's patrol, Chair Buch refused to support my request. We will also talk about t