Perfect Pitch

S1E2 - Tessa Marchington: Musician and Entrepreneur



In this second episode I talk to entrepreneur and musician Tessa Marchington. She gives valuable insights into her starting off, what books to read and which people she looks up to. She also is involved in Make Music Day on 21st June 2018. She is the founder of Music in Offices and Investec International Music Festival. Find out more about Tessa on her social media channels @marchingtessa @miolondon @InvestecIntMusF and Also a special thank you to Thomas Hewitt Jones @thewittjones for his wonderful theme music : ‘Momentum for String Orchestra’ by Thomas Hewitt Jones . You can hear a bit more this week of this beautiful piece. Please don't forget to share and rate and review this podcast/ If you want to know more about me, find me on the usual social channels or via