Success After Excess

Episode 52 - Emulate



Good morning and welcome to episode 52! Today's topic is emulation. This is a big one for it is one of the best ways for us to ensure speedy progress and also lessen the pitfalls that we may encounter along the way. By looking to those who have achieved the same goals that we wish to hit, we can then utilize their journey as a road map so to speak. This helps us maintain direction that is not only proven to work, but it also saves us time and energy by being able to avoid spending time and energy on the things and areas that will not end up working. As great as emulation is, it is imperative to always remain yourself as well! People around you are drawn to you because of your uniqueness so don't forget to always be transparent and to always still be true to yourself as you strive forward. Thank you all for tuning in and I hope that you have an awesome weekend! To those that are celebrating it this weekend, Happy Mother's Day!