Success After Excess

Episode 45 - I'll Tear Them Down



Hello everyone! I hope that your day is off to a great start and thank you for tuning in and allowing me to share this time with you today! In this episode, I wanted to focus on a behaviour that I used to partake in and for the longest time, was completely unaware of it and the damage it was doing to myself and my relationships. It is a self sabotaging behaviour that stemmed from self defence.   Basically in order to protect myself, I would lash out at those around me before they had an opportunity to hurt me and in relationships, because I did not feel deserving of love, I would utilize the behaviour to self sabotage my relationship. One day during an interaction with a friend, I exercised this behaviour and for some reason in that moment, it hit me like a ton of bricks, just how wrong I was. Looking back I believe it was because in that moment my friend was in pain and despite that, my desire to protect myself was greater than my ability to help her. I feel that those circumstances are what helped me b