Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Interview with film photographer & blogger - Chris Chinnock



For episode 77 we bring you someone who has some wonderful film photography to showcase and also a keen blogger.  Chris Chinnock is from the North of the UK and can be seen shooting film in the world of landscapes and portraiture.  He talks to us about his experiences with blogging, photographer, cameras and commercial work.  Working with lots of local companies he pursues his time between several jobs including photography. Chris had previously shot over 30 weddings to learn his trade and didn't pick up a camera until his mid-thirties.  He sold his digital camera & equipment back in early 2019, so predominately shoots film and will hire a DSLR if needed. In this one: portraiture Kodak portra (inlcuding 800) commercial photography wedding photography Pentax 6x7 Chinnon ce4 GAS & selling gear the best lens Digital & analog approach Skin tones Confidence & learning Inexpensive light pads Outsourcing dev&scan Seikonic light meters why blogg We