Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Kodak, moon landings & Hasselblad (50th moon landing special)



I'm very honoured to present our next guest, who will be the least youngest person I've interviewed! Since its the 50th anniversary of the moon landings, I've got hold of Robert Shanebook who worked for Kodak.  Not only did he join the biggest film company in the world, but he was part of the team who built the camera used on the Appollo space missions!  Yes I'm talking about the camera that filmed Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong!!! Robert is the only remaining member of the team from 1969, due to the age differences of his colleagues (he was only 21).  He has had amazing career with Kodak and published 2 editions of his book.  We discuss: Started shooting at 14 with commercial studio shooting 4x5!! Electrocuted volunteering at Kodak museum Yashica 44 Only team member alive Ektachrome to t-max Travelling the world Mr Hasselblad worked at Kodak! Banned from releasing book Kodak made coating plant each decade up to 2000 Rochester had 60,000 employees! Bankruptcy How to sh