Tales from the Cobblestones




S.O.N.G.S. is a Nuclear Power Plant. Sano is a surfing beach. San Onofre is a Southern California State Beach located in North San Diego on Camp Pendleton Military Base. Sano is one of the most iconic Longboarding breaks in the world. It's famous, not just for its gentel waves and aloha spirit but for it's lifestyle. Parking on the beach, old cars, the bonfires, bbq's, volleyball, surfing, and all types of surfing etc. To embrace the true essence of Sano is to long for yesteryear. It might be the last sacrid place on earth. It's special, and if you know, you know... the vibes down at Sano can be legendary. But, there is just one problem, there just one thing that really sucks about Sano. The San Onofre state beach shares its space with a Nuclear Power Plant. A Nuclear Power plant? A Nuclear power plant on my beach? Why is this thing at the beach? What is a power plant? What is Uranium 235? What are some of the dangers of burying nuclear spent fuel. I answer these questions and more on the latest episode of "T