Lit Kc

Jason Ryberg



In this episode, Jason talks with Jason Ryberg. Jason Ryberg is the author of twelve books of poetry, six screenplays, a few short stories, several angry letters to various magazine and newspaper editors, and a box full of folders, notebooks and scraps of paper that could one day be (loosely) construed as a novel. He is currently an artist-in-residence at the Osage Arts Community and the person behind Spartan Press. Jason isn't on Instagram or Twitter. He doesn't have a website. I could believe he doesn't think computers are real except that he does play on Facebook, so harass him there. Spartan Press, however, does have a website: Music: "The Lollygaggers," by IsYouIsOrIsYouAin't Contact: It's raining tacos, the children tell me. Oh, the children tell me such wild things.