Dreamers & Doers

#59 - Rewriting your money story - Rebekah L Femia



3 months ago, I got very interested in my limiting beliefs around money and it became the next stage of my personal growth. Rebekah is one of my mentors and I've learned a lot from her about rewriting my money story. You'll see that we get very enthusiastic about this topic that is often taboo. The questions I asked: 1. Your story, from network marketing to digital marketing 2. Why do we have limiting beliefs and judgment around money 3. How to rewrite your money story? Awareness, letting go of the opinion of others & routines I encourage you to do her free 3-day radical money mindset upgrade: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1339013169579383 For more info on the podcast, check http://www.unlockt.me/podcast