
Season 1 Trailer



Hello! I’m Ian Baldwin from Hear&See. I’m excited to bring to you a brand new show where we focus on discussions relevant to the music industry and the culture surrounding it. This season we discuss finding your role in a band, being vulnerable with your art, networking and focusing on your strengths with special guests including Kramer Welker from the band You vs Yesterday, multidimensional creator and author Jeff Finley, and music journalist for dayton.com and fellow podcaster from the Gem City Podcast Libby Ballengee. Join us for the first episode September 9th. Subscribe and listen for free on Apple Podcasts to stay up to date when new episodes are released. Season 1 presented by Manuel Creative Arts Academy. Recorded, produced, mixed and mastered by McKinney Botts at Winter's End Audio Productions. Special thanks to our friends in Champion Electric for the use of their song Apej in Season 1 of Hear&See. Be sure to listen to Champion Electric on Spotify or Apple Music.