Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Rachel Lubchansky, CEO of REL Impact and the Sheer Impact Conference & Community – Episode 144



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I'm excited to bring you this extraordinary woman - Rachel Lubchansky, CEO of REL Impact and the Sheer Impact Conference & Community. From a young age, Rachel was interested in women’s empowerment and fascinated by women who changed the world. She wanted to become one of those women whose name was synonymous with helping others, and whose work extended far beyond herself. She's certainly made that happen. In this episode: Hear out how Rachel started being an entrepreneurial journey in her 20s How curiosity and love for learning can fuel entrepreneurship The life changes that can sometimes affect your business The profundity of owning to your potential and owning your life How to become more self-confident in running your business How Rachel views women and their great potentialities Discover the strategies to surviving the lows How Rachel achieves integration in her life The inspiration behind Sheer Impact Conference & Community Rachel E. Lubchansky is