Angels & Politics

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Before you go any further, I must stop to thank you right now for lending me your attention. I bestow miracles and blessings upon you and your future generations! I am Gabriel, the founder and CEO of Angels and Politics. On a larger note, we are a creative multimedia company but In the literary canon, we specialize in 'sexual politics'. In Angels & Politics(#A&P), politics is classified as any form of interaction between another person. We focus on the sexual aspect of politics by delving into the ethos from a male's perspective and how he emotionally and intuitively interfaces with the opposite sex in everyday life (#politics). The open dialogue between the sexes in a safe and non-threatening environment is necessary for growth and communication. Take a look at our (#political) content and if you find it to your pleasing than perhaps we can establish some sort of contact for potential opportunities and collaborations. Good luck, God bless, and Godspeed Whitecollargoon