Outcast Podcast

Episode 20.2, The Adaptive Athlete Episode



What do we call you? Disabled? An Adaptive Athlete? “Tom. You can call me Tom” answers our guest Tom Miazga.  Tom is not only the two-time “Fittest Seated Man on Earth” but also the OUTCast proclaimed “Sweetest Seated Man Alive”.  In this episode we dive deep into the obstacles and opportunities faced by Adaptive Athletes. Tom takes us on his hyper-successful athletic journey -- but also gives us a window into his recent experiences as an out and proud gay man.  Tom is one of the most special we’ve ever met and has given us beautiful insight into his adaptive life. A life where he thinks “Sugar Spice” is a Spice Girl… but we will let that one slide. And here is the link to the OBSESSED! Segment this week!  Kids Being Nice to Drag Queens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4c3jW-9ovI Follow us on Instagram: @outcast_podcast Donate to The OUT Foundation: https://www.iamout.org/donate or text "OUTCAST" to 44-321