Power-stability-play: Health Tips For Busy & Confused Professionals

12: Dr. Cheryl Hurst on Stress, Yoga, and More!



Dr. Cheryl Hurst is a licensed health psychologist and a certified yoga therapist in Chicago, Illinois. When she integrates psychotherapy with yoga therapy, her clients' benefit is doubled by an individualized holistic treatment to improve physical strength, balance, flexibility, and circulation, while fostering clarity, ease and relaxation, relieving pain, and building resilience to stress. I was very excited to sit down with her for an hour and talk about stress management and how to navigate through stressful times in our day-to-day lives. I hope you enjoy! Links: -www.cherylhurst.com Questions/Comments? -Facebook: @duncansalekfitness -Instagram: @powerstabilityplay -Email: duncansalekfitness@gmail.com