Let's Talk Business With Susan Smyth

Business, Friendships, stress & more!



In this Episode I speak with American Entrepreneur Rosalidia Dubon about her entrepreneurial Journey. https://www.facebook.com/rosalidia.dubon @ 14:49 Part 1 of 3 part discussion with Dr. Conor Ward aka "The Health Elevator" on stress and how it affects us. Contact Dr. Conor Ward @ https://www.facebook.com/conor.wardchiropractor?ref=br_rs @ https://www.instagram.com/thehealthelevator/?hl=en Twitter: @DrConorWard @ 34:16 Winner of Great British Menu Chef Raymond McCardle Gives his restaurent recipe for amazing fish cakes. Contact Raymond @ http://theforgerestaurant.ie/ Twitter @mcardle_23 @ 39:34 Marie Nugent Life Experience talks about friendships expiring and how to deal with that. Contact Marie: https://www.facebook.com/marie.nugentsmyth?ref=br_rs Twitter: @URinspiring