Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

Governor has gone extra-constitutional



LIVE TODAY @ 4:00 pm Pacific It's the Boze Noze Show! Wash your hands! I will update you on what our public health professionals told the Board of Health about COVID-19. I really want to talk about how our Governor has gone extra-constitutional with her executive order on carbon caps. Wash your hands! Eugene is getting ready to extend the crazy 8's into Eugene on Franklin Blvd. Wash your hands! You can add to this list of topics just by calling in! The Boze Noze Show is live at 4:00 pm Pacific on Wednesdays. You can listen to the show online ( just click the noze below) or on your phone by calling 646-721-9887. Just press "1" if you want to join in the conversation. If you can't make the live show and you have a question or comment for Jay Bozievich, send him an e-mail at NOW also broadcasting thru Facebook Live on the KRBN Internet News Talk Radio page! You can find previous shows easily by searching for "ITunes KRBN Internet News Talk Radio"