Jessie Lee Is The Peoples Mentor

Want A Business? Be AUTHENTIC! With Brittany Anderson Episode 0072 #BOSSLEE



This is one of my favorite success stories on our entire team! Brittany started in business with me after multiple failed businesses and decided to give it another shot. After recruiting not a single person in her past she has gone on to now be top recruiter in our organization, a top earner, and do so many things that have impacted the lives of thousands. I would not listen to this episode without a notebook! She goes off! If you get the value I think he will please make sure to share this with a friend. Also, you will hear in this episode that a contest starts. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out. Connect with me Check out my #1 MLM podcast Subscribe for free content Follow me on Instagram Follow me on TikTok Subscribe to me on Youtube