Passive Real Estate Investing

Ask Marco - Real Estate Investment Strategies | PREI 217



Today's question comes from Cornelius and he says, hello Marco. My name is Cornelius excellent podcast. I'm currently just dissecting real estate investment tips and information in an effort to someday soon begin my investing journey. I've been listening to your podcast and have found it to be extremely informative and helpful. In episode two zero five you were mentioning the different types of real estate investment strategies. My question is, is there a difference between buy and hold and buy and hold turnkey properties? Thanks for all your insight, Cornelius. Download your FREE copy of The Ultimate Guide to Passive Real Estate Investing: IF YOU LIKE THIS PODCAST we would love if you would go to iTunes and Subscribe, Rate & Review our podcast. This will greatly help share our podcast with others wanting to learn. Thank you! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit