Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Calling All Truckers We All Need you



TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn't just our claim but yours also. Calling all truckers we all need you. The world is now getting to see what we all have been saying for years. If you take truckers away, you will have mass manic. Its funny how everyone is out of work except all truckers. The world is being told to stay home except all truckers. Truckers are the last man standing, garden the pun ladies. Truck driver from all ages and gender are being told that they are needed on the front lines. The last so many years that go back far to remember, the general public had a different view of truckers. They all looked at us as if we were the scum on the highways. In everyones way and a bunch of rude truckers is what they were all saying. Flash forward to a time where people are not working and they are in heavy need of the necessities of life and truckers become the hero. I am not saying we dont wlcome the over due good publicity but what I am saying is it shouldn't have take