Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Coronavirus and Truckers



Coronanvirus and Truckers.Truck drivers all across are asking the question, am I safe from getting the coronavirus? The answer is somewhat simple. As authorities had thought, the virus does not seem to able to survive on surfaces for lengthy periods, meaning, unlike hepatitis which can survive for long periods (up to a week) on surfaces, the coronavirus does not initially appear to have this kind of stamina. TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn't just our claim but yours also. Truckers have been susceptible to many diseases being they meet more strangers than the average person. A truck driver on average covers 500 miles in one day covering a vast area, which can include area that are filled with sick people. Truckers on a daily basis, come face to face with people in truck stops, rest stops, restaurants and so much more, making their odds of coming in close contact with the sick, very high,