We Are Libertarians

388: Path to Libertarianism - Adam Asks About Survival of the Fittest, Foreign Policy, and Neighbors Behaving Badly



Adam is new to libertarianism and has some questions about politics and philosophy. Chris Spangle, Harry Price, Rhinehold, and Hodey Johns field his questions. If you'd like to join us to ask questions, please contact us at editor@wearelibertarians.com. Is Libertarianism About Survival of the Fittest? - 00:24:55 How Would Libertarians Fight Systemic Racism? - 00:45:33 How Would We Deal With Bad Neighbors? - 01:20:11 What Does A Libertarian Do When In Elected Office? - 01:35:34 What Does Libertarian Foreign Policy Look Like? - 01:54:04 Answering Miranda's Questions: https://wal.fireside.fm/604 Video: https://youtu.be/QKhA5z3h6Rg