We Are Libertarians

378: Paying for Medicare for All, Part 2 on Elizabeth Warren's Plan



Chris Spangle, Harry Price, and Rhinehold finish breaking down Elizabeth Warren's detailed Medicare for All plan. This episode focuses on how she'd pay for it. The first episode focuses on how it would operate, and can be found here: https://wearelibertarians.com/wal-376-elizabeth-warrens-medicare-for-all-plan-part-1/ Show Notes: https://wearelibertarians.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Warren-Health-Care-Plan.pdf Time Stamps: 00:00:00 - Show Update 00:28:16 - Overview of Medicare for All Politics 00:36:13 - Taxes Raised for Medicare for All Video: https://youtu.be/tL_enpK66AE