We Are Libertarians

358: Is California a Third-World Country?



Chris Spangle, Harry Price, and Rhinehold discuss Spangle's recent visit to Los Angeles, California, and the shocking state of that city. Show Links: The Patdown - http://mspatcomedy.com/podcast The Libertarian Aurora - http://libertarianaurora.com Thomas Sowell on the Housing Boom and Bust - https://youtu.be/5GoAGuTIbVY Welcome to Skid Row 2017: Shocking scale of homelessness in downtown LA is exposed in footage showing sidewalks lined with dozens of tents in deprived area where 20,000 people live on the streets - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5214593/Christmas-Day-2017-Downtown-Los-Angeles.html America’s First Third-World State - https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/06/california-third-world-state-corruption-crime-infrastructure/ How Los Angeles Is Becoming a ‘Third World’ City - https://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/06/opinion/welcome-to-hooverville-california.html No Place to Go: An Audit of the Public Toilet Crisis in Skid Row (June 2017) - https://www.scribd.com/document/352583585/No-Place-to-Go-Re