We Are Libertarians

354: Modern Political Power Parallels in Game of Thrones



Chris Spangle, Chris Gault, Jessica Alsman, and Todd Singer review the end of Game of Thrones and discuss the nature of power. We review the end and if it was satisfying to our panel of nerds and then discuss what parallels there are in modern politics and Game of Thrones. What is power? Is it moral or immoral? Does it always corrupt? What types of power do the innocent have? Video: https://youtu.be/45WIsNGDY6o Time Stamps Recap and Analysis of Game of Thrones Series and Ending - 00:18:48 How Game of Thrones Relates to Modern Power - 00:43:59 Questions about the Nature of Power - 01:05:04 Show Notes: https://wearelibertarians.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/GameOfThronesNotes.pdf