We Are Libertarians

326: The Swamp Explained - Political Violence Now vs. 60s, Is Trump Draining the Swamp?



In our "The Swamp, Explained" series, Chris Spangle and Rob Quartel go in depth on how Washington works. On this episode, we compare the heated political environments of the 1960's to today, we examine how Trump is emboldening the Swamp by not staffing the Executive Branch, and we question if the Federal Reserve is truly independent. Bib Gourmand - http://dcist.com/2018/09/bibgourmand2018_dc.php Rob has lived and worked in Washington DC for 40 years. He worked for the EPA and the Ford and H.W. Bush campaigns. Check out his resume here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-quartel-5291553/ Have questions for Rob? Email us - editor@wearelibertarians.com