Concordia Ed Tech Podcast

Tech Talk Roundtable 06-05 | Gamifying Your Learning with Vince Siu



Description I like games. Elvenar, Clash of Clans, Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne … I’ve played them all, with pleasure. But this is a podcast focusing on education and technology, right? Where is there room to play games in that?!? Sure, we want to make our classes fun, but …  Well, you may have heard about games and gamification in education. Today we talk with a specialist who helps schools and school districts bring the learning power of games into the classroom, or maybe even take the “room” out of class . Lessons Learned Chris - to beat jet lag, get out and exhaust yourself for the first three days Daniel - Using Hootsuite to schedule posting of my tweets.  PubPDAsia. Dennis - Laser Cutting Rocks! Thanks Joel Klammer. Vince - Lego Serious Play Fun Fact(s) The original Dungeons and Dragons was released as a 3 book box set in  1974. Gary Gygax, one of the creators, claims the name was chosen by his two-year-old daughter Cindy — who, when presented with a number of choices of possible names, exclaimed,