All That Ease Podcast

Podcast 48 "Manifestation Connection Series - Part 6 - The Mysterious Chakra"



Podcast 48 "Manifestation Connection Series - Part 6 - The Mysterious Chakra" (direct download link) Your Belief Center, a special 8th Chakra not commonly spoken of, revealed to Heather amidst her intuitive reiki sessions over the past 3 years. #FallinLovewithYourKnowing #TheHeartoftheMatter #GetyourOnPurposeOnPoint #YourBeliefDeterminesEverything The authors that help us believe: T Harv Eker, Ekhart Tolle, Abraham-Hicks, Seth Godin, Malcom Gladwell, Cynthia Occelli, John C Maxwell, Louise Hay, Paulo Coelho, Miguel Ruiz, Oriah Mountain Dreamer, Neil Donald Walsh, Andy Andrews, Mike Dooley Be with us as we record our 52nd episode LIVE at the Fort Lee NJ Awaken Fair on October 5th 2014!