Erin Burnett Outfront

United States hots single-day record for reported deaths: 785+; Deaths in Detroit surge as city braces for more cases; Top Health official: "very focused" on antibody testing to determine who has already recovered from the virus;



Trump warns of a "very, very painful two weeks" ahead; President Trump: "I want every American to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead; United States hots single-day record for reported deaths: 785+, nearly 80 percent of Americans under stay-at-home orders; White House cities model showing United States daily deaths will peak in 14 days; Dr. Fauci: Americans should be prepared for 100,000 deaths; White House extends social distancing guidelines until April 30; At least five states reporting more than 1,000 new cases today; Detroit becomes a coronavirus hotspot, police chief has virus; More than 500 Detroit police officers under quarantine, city's police chief recovering from coronavirus; Company begins antibody testing in Colorado, could allow for fewer restrictions nationwide; Colorado County testing all residents for coronavirus antibodies; Top health official: signs that social distancing is helping to flatten the curve in New York; Pentagon still waiting for info on where to sh