Sports Borts

Distance Running with Nate Dern



Distance Running RULES!  I bet you didn't wake up this morning thinking you'd hear someone say that. But the fact is: it does. Whether you're jogging a 5k, training for a marathon, or having a foot race with the kid down the street who thinks he's faster than everyone else just because he drinks two glasses of milk at dinner instead of one; running rules! Here to talk about distance running with The Borts is Nate Dern, a writer for The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and a full-on running hound. Ben and him ran the LA marathon together last year (and are planning to do it again this year) and they nerd out A LITTLE in this episode but Ashley keeps it from getting annoying, WE PROMISE. Whether it's simply getting in shape or finding an alternative way to tour a city or experiencing weather (ok, weirdo), distance running is very cool and this ep is all about that. Ashley adds in a few things that aren't so cool about running too for the majority of folks who can relate. ... If you or anyone you know woul