Myth And Magic For Modern Times

7. As You Wish...



'The Princess Bride' is a hilarious film that I really enjoy rewatching, and also it portrays many unfortunate subliminal messages regarding love and romance. As much as I love this movie, I think it's important to look with a critical eye at what we're consuming, especially at a young, impressionable age (which is when so many of us first watch/ed this movie). This film is just one of so many that have contributed to the many damaging, subconscious beliefs in our society about love, and in this podcast, we utilize 'The Princess Bridge' as a starting off point and great example through which to take a closer look at some of those beliefs and messages. I'm joined by Sequoia, a fellow tarot read and healer, and Michaela, a friend I made through instagram with an avidly curiosity in cellular memory and cultural reprograming, to help tease apart those messages and shine a light into the stories beneath this classic story. To work with Sequoia and learn more, check out her website at an