Bloomberg Surveillance

Surveillance: Fed's Virus Response With Kaplan & Bostic



Catherine Mann, Citi Global Chief Economist, says there will be no second half rebound in 2020 if businesses that do not borrow bonds go bankrupt. Robert Kaplan, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President, sees a substantial contraction in the second quarter, but says the economy will get stronger heading into 2021. Raphael Bostic, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President, says the economy may rebound quite robustly once the public health crisis is under control. Darrell Cronk, Wells Fargo Wealth & Investment Management CIO, says it is still a good idea to remain defensive on stocks. Dr. Krutika Kuppalli, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Fellow and Infectious Disease Physician, says there will be a resurgence in the number of coronavirus cases if businesses open too soon.